An approach to folk literature: Semiotic analysis of some of Alexandre Parafita’s collected folktales




Contos ao vento com demónios dentro, semiotic analysis, actantial model, narrative dynamism


The scope of this study focuses on the extent of the term «literature», on the two hypotheses (realist and nominalist) that frame it, and on the dimension that characterizes, according to Roberto de Souza, the literariness of the discourse. We aim to explore the role of folk literature, as a minor literature, in the literary phenomenon, and to address the adversities that the negative connotation associated with its terms arise. In regard to the prosaic narratives, the focus will be on framing the folktale as a narrative subgenre, and the differences between popular folktales, regional folktales, legends, fables, parables, and myths will be highlighted. Considering formalist and structuralist doctrines and taking into account the theoretical principles of Propp, Greimas, Courtès, Larivaille, which were studied, in Portugal, by Macário Lopes and Castro Soares, a semiotic analysis of four folktales of the work «Contos ao vento com demónios dentro», by the Portuguese author Alexandre Parafita, will be conducted.

Author Biographies

André Luís Santos Ribeiro, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.


Maria Luísa de Castro Soares,

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Centro de Estudos em Letras (CEL/UTAD) & Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos da U. Coimbra (CECH/UC).

